Friday, July 15, 2005

Berlin, Germany

Berlin, Germany

Sony Center is Berlin's movie theater.

Main landmark in Berlin. Napoleon stole the horse on the top of this and brought it to Paris after his victory. It was later brought back to Berlin.

Colorful remains of the wall. Unfortunately this piece of history may be destroyed in a few years when a new apartment complex is built.

Very ugly center for the Soviets.

Marx on the left and Engle on the right.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Tours, France

Tours, France

This weekend I went to Tours, France. About a thousand years ago, Tours was huge. Actually the population of Tours one thousand years ago is greater than the current population. Although today it is small in comparison to other European cities such Paris, it is full of castles where kings once lived, reminding us of the importance of this city in early European history.